The OH Community rose up out of the ashes left behind after the project founder of the two collections shown here suddenly closed it down. The founder did not let existing holders continue forward.
Attempts were made to negotiate a deal that at least honoured the legacy of the community but all was in vein. Existing holders did not want to just walk away. Therefore, a small group stepped up to ensure it was not the end of our beloved community. OH Community was born, and we strive to keep building, and building we shall!
We are building a sanctuary for all in the web3 space.
Everything we do going forward will always provide a benefit to our survivors.
* Permission was given by the owner of the NFTs shown for them to be displayedWhat is the NoRugzPlz NFT collection all about?
Date: 30 September 2024
The Rise of OH Community: A Sanctuary for Web3 Survivors
Date: 29 September 2024